Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I'm sure you can all tell that I am back in hardcore school. I have a test every week and every day is full to the brim with classes/clinical. With that and trying to get things straight for the wedding next year, my reviews have suffered. I am still working on Angelslayer, it's just going slower than anticipated. Much slower.

That's the thing about school. You never really have any free time because there's always something you should be doing. Also hanging over my head, in addition to the tests, is a 20-30 page paper.

The good news is my venue is booked for my wedding, I got through the first clinical and will be done with the serious clinical paperwork this week, and I've gotten all my information together to write that horrid paper.

Today is also the last day of the RIP V Challenge. I met my goal, Peril the First, but I didn't complete my entire list unfortunately. Whenever I have a chance, I plan on visiting more of my fellow participants.

Either way, Happy Halloween, Happy Samhain, Happy All Hallow's Eve. Hope yours is more exciting than mine :)


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