Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson is waiting for me at the library!!! I thought I would never get through the list but it's HERE.

Totally nerdy how excited I am, but yesterday when I picked up Blameless, The Way of Kings was just sitting there. 20 percent off to boot. I picked it up, and it was a good ole "doorstop" fantasy book, my favorite sort: the long ones that take forever to finish. I had to drag myself out the door to keep from paying for it, even though it was only a matter of time before it came in from the library.

The Red Tree by Caitlin R Kiernan also shipped, which I am adding to my RIP Challenge. It looks absolutely terrifying so I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep while reading it. I don't do well with scary books or movies. :P I'm waiting for The Hunger Games as well, but I don't anticipate seeing that one for awhile.

Also, I got an idea for a little meme I might do every Wednesday called Wishlist Wednesday, wherein I will discuss recently wishlisted books of mine. I've got about 50 so far, so I'm thinking it could be fun. :)

I've got so much to do, I just don't know if I'll get around to my schoolwork. Haha.


Deepali said...

I'm dying to read this book as well, good job waiting for it!
Have spoken to my librarian about it too...they arent as efficient as the ones in the US though!

Escapist said...

Hahaha. Patience is not my forte. I hope they get it for you soon!

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